
Έγγραφα ερευνών

Αυτός ο τομέας περιλαμβάνει άρθρα ερευνών και έγγραφα που επικεντρώνονται στα προγράμματα GEO και σε πολλές περιπτώσεις πρακτικών εφαρμογών.

No. Όνομα Ενημερώθηκε Σχετικά προγράμματα
No. 1 Sheeting wall analysis by the method of dependent pressures Sheeting wall analysis by the method of dependent pressures 10/2011 Σχετικά προγράμματα : Πασσαλότοιχοι II
No. 2 Design of sheet piling for the prague metro line C Design of sheet piling for the prague metro line C 5/2007 Σχετικά προγράμματα : Πασσαλότοιχοι II
No. 3 Design of diaphragm walls according to EN 1997-1:2004 Eurocode 7 Design of diaphragm walls according to EN 1997-1:2004 Eurocode 7 10/2007 Σχετικά προγράμματα : Πασσαλότοιχοι II
No. 4 Hazards of quarrying activity: A finite element modelling of human-induced risk of land subsidence above cellar systems cut into porous limestone 9/2006 Σχετικά προγράμματα : Απώλεια Εδάφους
No. 5 Lusitanian timber framed masonry via FINE Ltd. civil engineering software Lusitanian timber framed masonry via FINE Ltd. civil engineering software 8/2009 Σχετικά προγράμματα : FEM
No. 6 Slope stability assessment of weathered clay by using field data and computer modelling: a case study from Budapest Slope stability assessment of weathered clay by using field data and computer modelling: a case study from Budapest 6/2007 Σχετικά προγράμματα : Ευστάθεια Πρανών
No. 7 Stability problems of abandoned clay pits in Budapest Stability problems of abandoned clay pits in Budapest 11/2006 Σχετικά προγράμματα : Ευστάθεια Πρανών
No. 8 Myslbekova street – Prasny bridge (Mypra) section of the city circle road primary and secondary tunnel lining design methodology Myslbekova street – Prasny bridge (Mypra) section of the city circle road primary and secondary tunnel lining design methodology 3/2007 Σχετικά προγράμματα : FEM – Σήραγγα
No. 9 Numerical evaluation of deep foundations in a tropical soil of Brazil Numerical evaluation of deep foundations in a tropical soil of Brazil 2/2003 Σχετικά προγράμματα : Πασσαλότοιχοι I
No. 10 Numerical evaluation of bored piles in tropical soils by means of the geo-technical engineering “GEO4” Fine Software Numerical evaluation of bored piles in tropical soils by means of the geo-technical engineering “GEO4” Fine Software 6/2006 Σχετικά προγράμματα : Πάσσαλοι
No. 11 Experimental and Numerical Analyses of Bored Pile Foundations in a Tropical Soil Experimental and Numerical Analyses of Bored Pile Foundations in a Tropical Soil 6/2003 Σχετικά προγράμματα : Ομάδα Πασσάλων
No. 12 Design and Construction Aspects of the Largest “Pile Curtain” Retaining Structure Built in the Tropical Soil of the Brazilian Central Area Design and Construction Aspects of the Largest “Pile Curtain” Retaining Structure Built in the Tropical Soil of the Brazilian Central Area 8/2009 Σχετικά προγράμματα : Πασσαλότοιχοι II
No. 13 Shear Skin Transfer of Concrete Bored Piles Testing and Modelling Shear Skin Transfer of Concrete Bored Piles Testing and Modelling 5/2007 Σχετικά προγράμματα : Πάσσαλοι
No. 14 Numerical Evaluation of Pile Foundations in Tropical Soils of the Federal District of Brazil by Means of a Semi-Analytical Mathematical Procedure Numerical Evaluation of Pile Foundations in Tropical Soils of the Federal District of Brazil by Means of a Semi-Analytical Mathematical Procedure 3/2003 Σχετικά προγράμματα : Πάσσαλοι
No. 15 Comparison of geotechnic softwares - Geo FEM, Plaxis, Z-Soil Comparison of geotechnic softwares - Geo FEM, Plaxis, Z-Soil 8/2009 Σχετικά προγράμματα : FEM
No. 16 Preconsolidation, structural strength of soil, and its effect on subsoil upper structure interaction Preconsolidation, structural strength of soil, and its effect on subsoil upper structure interaction 4/2016 Σχετικά προγράμματα : FEM
No. 17 Phenomenon of Influence Zone in Civil Engineering Practise Phenomenon of Influence Zone in Civil Engineering Practise 4/2016 Σχετικά προγράμματα : FEM
No. 18 Numerical analysis of circular reinforced concrete tunnel lining Numerical analysis of circular reinforced concrete tunnel lining 10/2009 Σχετικά προγράμματα : FEM, FEM – Σήραγγα
No. 19 Evaluation of PET and PP Geotextile Reinforced Embankment on Soft Soil Evaluation of PET and PP Geotextile Reinforced Embankment on Soft Soil 1/2013 Σχετικά προγράμματα : MSE Wall, Ευστάθεια Πρανών
No. 20 Underground Houses on Sliding Slopes (Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture Vol. 57, No. 2) Underground Houses on Sliding Slopes (Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture Vol. 57, No. 2) 9/2014 Σχετικά προγράμματα : Ευστάθεια Πρανών
No. 21 Stability analysis of slopes with surcharge by LEM and FEM Stability analysis of slopes with surcharge by LEM and FEM 7/2015 Σχετικά προγράμματα : FEM, Ευστάθεια Πρανών
No. 22 Numerical analysis of MSE wall using finite element and limit equilibrium methods Numerical analysis of MSE wall using finite element and limit equilibrium methods 12/2016 Σχετικά προγράμματα : FEM, MSE Wall
No. 23 Effects of water-level variation on the stability of slope by LEM and FEM Effects of water-level variation on the stability of slope by LEM and FEM 2/2017 Σχετικά προγράμματα : FEM, Ευστάθεια Πρανών
No. 24 Benchmarking of single pile foundations, comparing Eurocode 7 with software programs Benchmarking of single pile foundations, comparing Eurocode 7 with software programs 10/2020 Σχετικά προγράμματα : Πάσσαλος CPT
No. 25 Benchmarking analytical and software calculation methods for designing slab foundations according to Eurocode 7 Benchmarking analytical and software calculation methods for designing slab foundations according to Eurocode 7 10/2020 Σχετικά προγράμματα : Πεδιλοδοκός
No. 26 To what extent do software programs comply with Eurocode 7 with regard to the bearing capacity of strip foundations To what extent do software programs comply with Eurocode 7 with regard to the bearing capacity of strip foundations 10/2020 Σχετικά προγράμματα : Πεδιλοδοκός
No. 27 The Influence of Boundary Conditions on the Response of Underground Structures Subjected to Earthquake The Influence of Boundary Conditions on the Response of Underground Structures Subjected to Earthquake 1/2018 Σχετικά προγράμματα : FEM, FEM – Σεισμός
No. 28 Modeling of Underground Structures Subjected to Earthquake by Combining 1D Free-Field and 2D Pseudo-Static Analyses Modeling of Underground Structures Subjected to Earthquake by Combining 1D Free-Field and 2D Pseudo-Static Analyses 1/2018 Σχετικά προγράμματα : FEM, FEM – Σεισμός
No. 29 Geohazard as Consequence of Primary Stress State Ignorance during Design of Geotechnical Constructions Geohazard as Consequence of Primary Stress State Ignorance during Design of Geotechnical Constructions 3/2021 Σχετικά προγράμματα : GEO5
No. 30 Determination of global stability for a group of geotechnical objects in complicated geological conditions Determination of global stability for a group of geotechnical objects in complicated geological conditions 3/2021 Σχετικά προγράμματα : GEO5
No. 31 Stability Analysis of Dump Slope in Open Cast Mines Stability Analysis of Dump Slope in Open Cast Mines 8/2021 Σχετικά προγράμματα : Ευστάθεια Πρανών
No. 32 Comparing the Hoek-Brown and Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria in FEM analysis Comparing the Hoek-Brown and Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria in FEM analysis 11/2023 Σχετικά προγράμματα : FEM
No. 33 Return mapping scheme for the Hoek-Brown model with tension cut-off Return mapping scheme for the Hoek-Brown model with tension cut-off 11/2023 Σχετικά προγράμματα : FEM


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