
Analysis According to Chinese Standards

GEO5 programs allow performing various analyses based on the methodologies provided by the Chinese standards.

Geotechnical analyses are verified using the safety factor. Neither calculated forces nor soil parameters are reduced by any coefficient.

Dimensioning of steel-reinforced concrete and masonry structures follows the GB 50153-2008 or JTS D30-2004 standards. In this case, each force entering a combination is multiplied by the corresponding coefficient.

Another coefficient influencing the dimensioning is the Coefficient of structure importance (GB 50153-2008, 8.2.2-1) to be specified in the "Settings" frame when performing the structure verification according to GB 50010-2010.

Earthquake analysis and seismic combination analysis according to GB 50010-2010 further exploit Seismic coefficients of strength (GB 50011-2010), which increase the calculated bearing capacity of a cross-section. These coefficients are specified in the "Settings" frame in the "Materials and standards" tab.

Analysis of sheeting structures follows the JGJ 120-2012 standard (Technical specification for retaining and protection of building foundation excavations). This is e.g. a determination of modulus of subsoil reaction or ditch bottom verification.

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