
Bearing Capacity on Drained Subsoil

For foundation in drained condition, it is possible to select one of the followings approaches to assess the bearing capacity of the foundation:

All approaches (with exception of German standard DIN 4017) incorporate coefficients due to Brinch - Hansen (see standard analysis) to account for inclined ground surface and inclined footing bottom.

Assuming drained conditions during construction the soil below spread footing deforms including both shear and volumetric deformations. In such a case the strength of the soil is assumed in terms of effective values of the angle of internal friction φef and the effective cohesion cef. It is also assumed that there is effective stress in the soil equal to the total stress (consolidated state). Effective parameters φef, cef represent the peak strength parameters.

Owing to the fact that the choice of drained conditions depends on a number of factors (rate of load, soil permeability, degree of saturation and degree of overconsolidation) it is the designer's responsibility to decide, depending on the actual problem being solved, if the effective parameters should be used.

During seismic analysis, the program performs the calculation of bearing capacity for both cases - with and without seismic effect. The resultant bearing capacity is lower from these two values.

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