
CSN 73 1002

There are two methods implemented in the program to compute the pile vertical bearing capacity following the Commentary to the CSN 73 1002 standard "Pile foundation":

  • Analysis according to the theory of the 1st group of limit states

The solution procedure is described in the Commentary to the CSN 73 1002 standard "Pile foundation" in the chapter 3 "Design" part B - general solution according to the theory of the 1st group of limit states (pp. 15). All computational approaches are based on formulas presented therein. The original geostatic stress σor is assumed from the finished grade. The coefficient of conditions of the behavior of foundation soil is considered for the depth z (measured from the finished grade).

The effective pile length used for the computation of skin bearing capacity is reduced by a segment:




pile diameter

  • Analysis of pile resting on incompressible subsoil

Analysis of a pile resting on incompressible subsoil (rocks class R1, R2) is based on part G - Analysis of vertical bearing capacity Rc according to  CSN 73 1004 - Commentary to CSN 73 1002 "Pilotové základy". The description begins on page 27 titled "Piles resting on incompressible subsoil".  The solution procedures used in the program are identical. The influence coefficient of settlement Iwp is interpolated from Table 16, which is also built-in the program.

If checking the option "analysis according to CSN 73 1002" in the "Piles" tab the verification analysis is carried out exclusively according to CSN 73 1002 and other coefficients ate not used. Providing this option is not checked the verification is performed based on the selected methodology adopting particular coefficients.


Československá státní norma ČSN 73 1002 Pilotové základy, Normalizační institut, Praha, 1987.

Československá státní norma ČSN 73 1004 Velkoprůměrové piloty, Normalizační institut, Praha, 1981.

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