
CSN 73 6206

When selecting "CSN 73 6206", frame "Analysis methods", the verification analysis of decisive joints is performed according to the standard CSN 73 6206 "Design of concrete and steel reinforced concrete bridge structures", including changes a-10/1989 a Z2/1994. The program allows us to verify cross sections from plain concrete or single-ended steel reinforced concrete. All calculations related to concrete are carried out using the theory of allowable stresses.

The main difference when compared to other standards appears in the dimensioning of concrete joints where the earth pressure is computed always without reduction of input parameters independently of the input in the frame "Settings". 

When performing the verification analysis of cross sections made either from plain or steel reinforced concrete it is possible input the coefficient of allowable stress according to art. 47 CSN 73 6206 to increase the material allowable stress.

The following joints can be verified by the program:

Abutment stem - foundation, construction joint - the cross-section can be made either from plain or steel reinforced concrete. The joint is verified for the load due to normal force and bending moment. The allowable stresses of concrete, steel and concrete in concentric pressure are checked. In case of reinforced concrete the program also checks the degree of reinforcement, cross sections from plain concrete are then checked for overturning (h/2e < 1.35) and translation (N*f < 1.5); friction concrete-concrete is assumed as f = 0.5).

Closure wall - bearing block - the cross-section is verified for the load due to normal force and bending moment. The steel reinforced concrete cross-section is always assumed. The allowable stresses of concrete and steel and the degree of reinforcement are checked.

Wing wall - abutment - the joint can be made either from concrete or steel reinforced concrete. The allowable stresses of concrete, steel and concrete in concentric pressure are checked. In case of reinforced concrete the program also checks the degree of reinforcement.

Front jump of abutment foundation - the front jump of abutment is verified according to its projection. In case of jump projection v < 0.5hz (hz is the height of foundation jump) the program checks the magnitude of stress in principal tension due to forces developed in the above-foundation joint. The stress is determined as:




width of above-foundation joint



moment and normal force in above-foundation joint

In case of jump projection v > 0.5hz the jump is analyzed as cantilever bended by the reaction (stress) of foundation soil. The joint can be made either from concrete or steel reinforced concrete. The allowable stresses of concrete, steel and concrete in concentric pressure are checked. In case of reinforced concrete the program also checks the degree of reinforcement.

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