

The frame "DMT" serves to input the way of introducing of constrained soil modulus into the program - either as a parameter of soil (by checking the option "Input MDMT as a soil parameter"), or by importing of a dilatometric tests (DMT).

This frame contains a table with a list of the input values of dilatometric tests (DMT).

Frame "Dilatometric tests (DMT)"

If the zero value of constrained soil modulus MDMT is measured, then the program makes an automatic correction. The arithmetic average of the next upper and lower non-zero value of MDMT is considered instead of zero value in the calculation.

It is also necessary to enter a coefficient of reduction B.

The results of the dilatometric test (DMT) can be imported into the program by inserting the file in format UNI (*.uni).

Data of DMTs can be copied within "Spread Footing", "Sheeting Check", "Anti-Slide Pile" and "Stratigraphy" programs using "GeoClipboard".

Note: The frame is accessible only in case when an option "dilatometric DMT" is selected for the determination of subsoil reaction modulus in the "Settings" frame (the "Pressure Analysis" tab).

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