
PMT (Pressuremeter Test)

The Pressuremeter test (PMT) consists of a pressuremeter probe placed in the tested soil and gradually filled with water. The subsequent swelling of soil or rock around the hole is determined as a dependence of the measured volume of water on the pressure increment that is gradually increased in a priori defined time intervals.

The pressuremeter test provides the following parameters as a function of depth:

  • pressuremeter (Menard) modulus Em - is obtained from the pressuremeter test and depends on the type of sheath of the probe (rubber sleeve, perforated casing).
  • limit pressure pLM - represents an increment of water pressure in the testing probe depending on the volume change of soil or rock, respectively.

The result of the pressuremeter test is its process plotted as a graph. The evaluation of pressuremeter tests (PMT) is used as input parameter for the analyses in the "Sheeting Check", "Anti-Slide Pile", "Micropile" and "Spread Footing CPT" programs and for stratigraphic modeling in the "Stratigraphy" program.

The results of pressuremeter tests (PMT) can be imported into the program as .txt data.

The name of the test and the depth and the vertical offset of the origin of the PMT is entered in the "New field test" dialog window. In the "Stratigraphy" program, the input of coordinations x, y, z is required.

The limit pressure pLM and the Menard modulus Em are entered in the table.

Dialog window "New field test"


EN ISO 22476-4: Geotechnical investigation and testing - Field testing. Part 4: Menard pressuremeter test, 2005.

Roy E. Hunt: Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Handbook, Second Edition (CRC Press, 2005)

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