
Settlement - Non-Linear Load-Settlement Curve (Masopust)

The "Settlement" frame serves to display the pile load-settlement curve. More analyses can be performed in the frame.

The combo list serves to choose the type of load (design, service). Next, it is possible to enter the coefficient of influence of pile shaft. The analysis of load-settlement of pile is always performed up to the limit settlement of 25 mm.

The analysis is performed according to the selected theory of settlement analysis (nonlinear). The analysis theory is selected in the "Piles" tab. The table in the bottom part of the frame directly allows with the help of the mouse for editing the defined parameters. Buttons "Edit a, b", "Edit e, f" and "Edit Es" open dialog windows with a help section for entered parameters of regression coefficients and secant modulus of soil. Pressing the "OK" button in a particular window stores the input parameters for a given layer into the table.

The analysis results are displayed in the right part of the desktop. The "In detail" button opens the dialog window containing detailed listing of the verification results.

The analysis results (load-settlement curve of pile) are displayed in the right part of the desktop.

Visualization of results can be adjusted in the frame "Drawing Settings".

Frame "Settlement" - nonlinear load-settlement curve of pile (Masopust)

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