
Slope Stability

Slope stability program computes the stability of slopes and embankments with a circular or polygonal slip surfaces.

The slope stability problem is solved in a two-dimensional soil body. The soil can be described using Mohr-Coulomb or Hoek-Brown strength criterium. The slope can be found below the groundwater table, water can also exceed the slope ground, which can be either partially or completely flooded. The slope can be loaded by a surcharge of a general shape either on the ground or inside the soil body. The analysis allows us to include the effect of anchors expected to support the slope or for the introduction of horizontal reinforcing elements - reinforcements or vertical elements - anti-slide piles. An earthquake can also be accounted for in the analysis.

Two types of approaches to the stability analysis are implemented in the program - classical analysis according to the factor of safety and the analysis following the theory of limit states.

The slip surface can be modeled in two different ways. Either as a circular one, then the user may choose either from the Fellenius/Petterson, Bishop, Spencer, Janbu or Morgenstern-Price, Shahunyants, ITF method or as a polygonal one, in which case the program exploits the Sarma, Spencer, Janbu or Morgenstern-Price, Shahunyants, ITF method.

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