

The "Templates" frame defines the laboratory tests that can be entered in the program.

The test types whose templates are part of the selected template set are displayed in the right part of the window and form individual frames.

The template for each test contains:

It is also possible to edit:

"Templates" frame

The way of working with template sets is almost the same as using settings in the "Settings" frame in other GEO5 programs.

The "Select template set" button allows us to choose an already created template from the "List of template sets".

The "Templates administrator" button opens the "Template administrator" dialog window, which allows for viewing and modifying individual template sets. It is also possible to identify the visible template sets in the "List of template sets". Data in the "Templates administrator" can also be exported and imported.

The programs not only contain the pre-defined basic template sets (1), but also allow the user to create a User-defined template sets (2). The "Edit copy of current template set and add in into the administrator" button opens a dialog window with a copy of the current template set, what can be modified. The created template set is saved into the "Template administrator".

The "Create local template set" button enables a quick visualization and editing of the current template set. Modifying any of the parameters changes the title to "Local for current task". The program is then working with this local template set. Should we consider this template set as suitable also for other tasks, we add the template set into the "Template administrator" by pressing the "Add into the administrator" button.

Δοκιμάστε το λογισμικό GEO5. Δωρεάν, χωρίς περιορισμούς στην ανάλυση.