
Verification of Cross Section

The results of the analysis of the micropile tube bearing capacity loaded either in tension or compression are displayed in the frame "Verification of cross-section". More computations can be carried out for a single task. The left part of the frame allows inputting the modulus of subsoil reaction and the influence of corrosion.

When calculating the bearing capacity (micropile cross-section) the program differentiates between a micropile loaded in tension or in compression.

In case of tension, the program determines section bearing capacity (strength of cement mixture is not considered).

In the case of compression, the program examines both section bearing capacity and internal stability of section, depending on the method set in the "Micropiles" tab.

The results of the verification analysis are displayed in the right part of the window. Visualization of results can be adjusted in the frame "Drawing Settings".

Frame "Verification of cross-section"

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